Tuesday 10 July 2012


Temptations follow me like a shadow even in the dark alleys of the birds in my mind

Luring to get lost in the folds of the known warmth
To get lost in the mirages of joys, promising to last longer than the frames of life, 

Its in these clouded days that mirrors are louder than the shadows
Reflecting the twisted image that bent backward for the hues

Is it worth loosing oneself yet again to this exacting warmth
Is it worth to live in boundaries of the soul of shadows

Not now and never was
No fitting into globes of painted squares
No spaced breaths that muffle the being inside
No melting into forms that i dont recognize

It is Time to come out of the closet and make that trip uphill before the inevitable consume
These colorful fireflies will find a new new pair of eyes

The colour I painted with them in the flight are all mine
I have packed it with me to walk with me as part of me...

1 comment:

  1. globes of painted square.. melting into forms.. mirrors louder than shadows..
    very interesting contrasts of imagery and thought.
