There is some sound outside
Is it the knock that you dont hear
The constant knock musical with the breaths of meaning
You know who's knocking, by the rhythm of forms cast in the air
You know what it would be like, just like what it was several moon's ago, a melodiously flowing river of story
When, what you saw in haste from above was the silent sheet of flowing water and not the storm of unseen unsaid beneath
What is today that the knock would have brought...
Noise as always, to be strung into beads of music on you becoming the mute audience
The more heart beats you measure to unlock
More pieces there are to be sewn together
More than when you had come out from behind the wall
Why have you made a flight behind unyielding netted walls
Is it the noise you don't want to hear
Of fear of barbs you have built a wall with shards
They walk away with more pieces to collect, as you are too scared to fell the wall
Its fear of the thorns that you close your doors, you miss the call of building a spring
Springs don't just dawn you forget, they are built in treacherous winters with undying resolve
Nobody just comes to walk away,
You give them what you don't want to bear
Or were you the blessed one, not to be among the noise and thorns ever
Or was it the wrong door they were knocking at, fooled by the echoing within the hollow walls