Tuesday, 25 June 2013


Liberators do not exist, people liberate themselves - Che

This quote of Che, rings with deep insight into Human situation. But it is important to know how to liberate oneself and from what/whom. Therefore there are teachers, who teach you how to liberate, how to understand the structures/people/group/processes that hold you captive from within and outside. They also teach how to carry it forward to others.

(dedicated to my special Teacher (formal) at present and all other teachers (formal and informal) who have helped in various times - will keep the torch burning )

Sunday, 2 June 2013

The Easy Way Out

Easy to be an ostrich rummaged by problems
Easy to hide and resign to doldrums

Who promised the land of carefree charms
Who got the security designed by ones want

Why are your dreams with rigid frames
When the act is wild so why the gait so tame

Fear of fall ruins your leap of faith
Hopes of joy hollow the realities breath

Uncharted was the pursuit, Unequalled it was always
For whom it is not who has treaded these grounds
Beads of care just sully the ground

Decide where you will tread
To live in the past or rise to what you not expect
Joy is in one but not a easy way out!!